Gabriela Steren

Attending UNILOG 2013 has been a great and helpful experience. First of all, I have learnt much about aspects of logic I was not aware of, like hybrid logics, description logics and some forms of non-classical mathematics. I also gave a talk in the congress and one at the IMLA workshop, and have found others who were interested in my line of research and whom I will be able to contact in order to discuss ideas.

It was very interesting to meet people from all over the world who were working on different areas of logic, and listen to their views; this has helped me get a new perspective on my own work. Additionally, I met a group of philosophers who were interested in a possible exchange with my department, and I have been invited me to talk about my work to a research group in Brasilia whenever I have the chance.

I am very grateful to ACM-W for giving me the chance to attend this congress.