Celebrations of Women in Computing
ACM Celebrations of Women in Computing connect technical women who are working/studying within a particular geographical location – with locations that could be a single city, a state or group of states, a country, or several countries. These conferences build community and break down feelings of isolation. Our intention is to reach the broadest possible populations through an international network of self-sustaining small conferences, dovetailing when possible with ACM-W chapters.
Regional ACM-W Celebrations
Please visit the site for your region for details on participating in or hosting ACM-W Affiliated Celebrations.

North America


General Requirements for Celebrations
- Events must be branded with ACM in the title of your Celebration or as a subtitle. For example, “The ACM Northwest Celebration of Women in Computing” or “The Northwest Celebration of Women in Computing, An ACM Celebration”. This must be clearly indicated on your website and on promotional materials.
- The event must be at least one full day in length (preferably longer) and feature speakers or workshop leaders from diverse backgrounds.
- Include attendees from a diverse population — that is, from more than one area or school.
- Although all events are different, your event ideally should contain speakers, panels, workshops, a career fair and opportunities for student presentations
ACM-W provides $3,000 for each celebration, and also collects, tracks and disburses corporate sponsorship. Each celebration organizing committee is responsible for additional fundraising within their conference area. The goal is to keep the costs as low as possible for student attendees, with registration fees in the $0-$50 USD range.
Support for ACM-W Affiliated Celebrations
- Use of ACM registration application
- ACM web site hosting for celebration site
- ACM will also hold conference funds, pay invoices, and review venue contracts
- ACM contract review and liability insurance
- Sponsorship support by ACM-W
- Advice and support from those who have organized events in the past
Not convinced yet? Check out…
- General info Flyer (pdf)
- Creating a Celebration (pdf)
- Regional Celebrations-in-a-Box: Connecting Communities of Technical Women
- A resource developed with the National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT)
- 101 Ideas for Planning Celebrations
- Process for starting an ACM-W Celebration
Recent Celebrations Reports and Announcements
- All India Celebration for Women in ComputingAll India Celebration for Women in Computing (AICWiC 2024) is an annual community-building conference dedicated to increasing the participation, retention, and advancement of technical women. On 30th November 2024, the ACM-W India Celebrations took place at Carnegie Hall’s Rockefeller Building, Chitkara University. This event, organized by ACM-W India and the Centre for Research Impact and… Read more: All India Celebration for Women in Computing
- ACM Women at Computing Education Research conferences: ICER and UKICER By Adriana Wilde, ACM-W Communication co-chair, and Arati Dixit, ACM-W Regional Activities, co-chair Earlier this year (12-15 August 2024), as representatives of ACM Women, we had the privilege of attending the 20th ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research (ICER, https://icer2024.acm.org/), organised by RMIT in Melbourne, Australia. ICER brings together researchers from all over the… Read more: ACM Women at Computing Education Research conferences: ICER and UKICER
- 2nd ACM Celebration of Women in Computing in Africa: Africa CWIC 2024The organizers of Africa CWIC 2024 report on their 2nd ACM Celebration of Women in Computing. On Friday, 1st November 2024, United States International University – Africa (USIU-Africa) hosted the 2nd ACM Celebration of Women in Computing in Africa: Africa CWIC 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya. The event took place at the USIU-Africa School of Science… Read more: 2nd ACM Celebration of Women in Computing in Africa: Africa CWIC 2024
- A kaleidoscope of celebrations across the globe In recent months, ACM Women across the globe have been celebrating women’s achievements in their respective regions: North America (ACMW-NA), Europe (ACM WE) and ACM-W India. In this blog article, we share with you an overview and invite you to join them next time! North America In March, Lindsay Jamieson, Linxi Zhang, Naaz Sibia and… Read more: A kaleidoscope of celebrations across the globe
- Get Ready for womENcourage™ 2023: Europe Gears Up to Celebrate Women in ComputingThe 10th ACM Celebration of Women in Computing: womENcourage™ 2023 will be hosted by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway, 20-22 September 2023.This year’s theme is Computing Connecting Everyone. Computing is a powerful way to connect people with diverse backgrounds, ambitions, passions, personalities, and cultures, from academia and industry, in… Read more: Get Ready for womENcourage™ 2023: Europe Gears Up to Celebrate Women in Computing