ACM-W Professional Chapters

Our professional chapters provide women with a community to empower them throughout their technical careers.

According to a recent study, 26% of the computing workforce were women, and less than 10% were women of color. (5% were Asian, 3% were African-American, and 2% were Hispanic). ACM-W professional chapters are great source of support after graduation and support the next generation of technical women.

Recent news

Start a professional chapter

  • Connect and network with local colleagues in computing industries
  • Receive guidance and resources from the global ACM community
  • Participate in Regional Celebrations of Women in Computing
  • Broaden participation in computing

Benefits for ACM-W Professional Chapter Members
Resources for ACM-W Professional Chapters

To start a professional chapter, please follow this guide:

Join our Professional Chapters Committee

We are looking to build our Professional Chapters committee. The following goals are emerging under our charge of establishing, connecting, and promoting ACM-W Professional Chapters:

  • Establish model ACM-W Professional Chapters
    • We look forward to connecting with existing professional chapters and working toward creating models to help new chapters get started.  If you have a professional chapter, we want to hear from you.  Send us a picture and list of projects you are working on.
  • Connect ACM-W professional chapters to ACM-W student chapters
    • We look forward to facilitating communication between student chapters and professional chapters to help with outreach and mentoring projects.
  • Connect ACM-W professional chapters to ACM-W celebrations
    • We look forward to facilitating communication between celebrations and professional chapters to help with conference participation.
  • Connect ACM-W professional chapters to ACM-W student chapter alumni
    • We look forward to helping professional chapters recruit recent graduates, especially those from colleges that have ACM-W student chapters.  If you are a recent graduate and would like to get a professional chapter started, let us know.  We can give you some ideas about how to get started.
  • Promote ACM-W professional chapters
    • Look for us at the regional Celebrations and conferences such as SIGCSE and NCWIT and keep checking our web pages and social media for new information.

If you have some energy and want to help out, please send us an email!

Bettina Bair, Professional Chapters Committee Chair