Welcoming Suzhou ACM-W Professional Chapter
As we celebrate the establishment of the new ACM-W professional chapter, we are all thrilled to envision what lies ahead for the founders and members in the coming year. The Vice Chair Jia Wang (Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University) reflects, “This new chapter not only symbolizes a fresh beginning but also presents a platform for growth, learning, […]
Virtual ACM Celebrations of Women in Computing
It has been a whole year since the pandemic suddenly changed our lives. Uncertainty has been the major obstacle hindering us from making plans. We never lost our hopes for a brighter future and the additional responsibilities that came with the pandemic kept us busier than ever. Vaccinations starting around the globe are helping to keep our hopes at the same level. All activities requiring mobility either turned out to be organized online or postponed to an unknown date. It looks like the war against COVID19 is going to continue. Until everybody feels safe, online events will continue. For those who have not lost their hopes but would like to stay on the safe side we want to share our suggestions for virtual celebrations.