Welcoming the New ACM-W Asia-Pacific Committee
The ACM-W Global Leadership team is happy to announce the new ACM-W Asia Pacific Committee that will support a wide range of initiatives in the ACM-W Asia-Pacific region. The team includes the following roles and the associated members: Dr. Bimlesh Wadhwa, Associate Professor and Assistant Dean (Student Life) at the National University of Singapore(NUS), is […]
Invisible Women in IT
By Ingrid Maria Christensen and Melissa Høegh Marcher The lack of IT specialists in Europe is a growing problem, with 63% of European hiring enterprises reporting challenges filling their IT vacancies. Likewise, a Danish report projects a staggering shortage of 22,000 ICT specialists by 2030. At the same time, women are vastly underrepresented in the […]
Welcome to our new ACM-W Website Manager!
Bethany Ahluwalia has become our new ACM-W Website Manager, effective December 2024. We thank Chandra Burnham for her immense support during the search and transition processes. Bethany is a final year MEng Computer Science student at the University of Southampton, United Kingdom. She became aware of ACM-W through her group design project which was to […]
ACM Women at Computing Education Research conferences: ICER and UKICER
By Adriana Wilde, ACM-W Communication co-chair, and Arati Dixit, ACM-W Regional Activities, co-chair Earlier this year (12-15 August 2024), as representatives of ACM Women, we had the privilege of attending the 20th ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research (ICER, https://icer2024.acm.org/), organised by RMIT in Melbourne, Australia. ICER brings together researchers from all over the […]
Announcing the New ACM-W Professional Chapters Chair and Committee!
ACM-W is excited to announce the launch of the ACM-W Professional Chapters Committee! This new project team will promote the mission of ACM-W to support the creation of new professional chapters worldwide and provide resources for the maintenance and growth of existing chapters. ACM-W Professional Chapters provide a safe and friendly space for social interaction […]
Introducing JUST ACM-W Student Chapter
This month, we are introducing the ACM-W Student Chapter at Jordan University of Science and Technology, officially established on August 19, 2024. The chapter is the first ACM-W Student Chapter in Jordan and brings together dedicated student volunteers from all majors offered at the university’s IT faculty. The chapter was built on the values of collaboration and […]
2nd ACM Celebration of Women in Computing in Africa: Africa CWIC 2024
The organizers of Africa CWIC 2024 report on their 2nd ACM Celebration of Women in Computing. On Friday, 1st November 2024, United States International University – Africa (USIU-Africa) hosted the 2nd ACM Celebration of Women in Computing in Africa: Africa CWIC 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya. The event took place at the USIU-Africa School of Science […]
Understanding the role models that inspire women to study Computing Science
By Matthew Barr, Lewis Binnie, Elizabeth Jacobs, Kristina Pavlou, and Kathleen West, Education & Practice Section, School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow Our recently published study [1] sheds light on what makes an effective role model for women pursuing Computing Science degrees. As the tech industry continues to grapple with gender imbalance, understanding how […]
Thank You Rachelle!
In this month’s feature, we spotlight Dr. Rachelle Kristof Hippler, who has dedicated her time and efforts through an impressive range of leadership roles at ACM-W. Rachelle has left an enduring impact, providing a bridge for students and professionals alike to find community and purpose in computing. Her story is one of service, community building, […]
ACM-W Rising Star Award 2024-25: Nominations open!
With the ACM-W Rising Star Award, ACM-W recognizes women whose early-career research has made a significant impact in the field of computing. The award is a tribute to early-career women making waves in computing and contributing to a more inclusive and supportive community. Important Dates: Eligibility: For more details and to apply, visit the ACM-W […]
ACM-W Seeks Applicants for Professional Chapters Committee
ACM-W is seeking applicants for the ACM-W Global Professional Chapters Committee. Come join us and be part of an energetic team of leaders for an organization that supports, celebrates, and advocates for women in computing around the world. To apply, please complete the following form. About ACM, ACM-W and Professional Chapters ACM is the world’s largest educational and scientific […]
Farewell Melanie – Thank You For Your Service!
In this month’s blog post, we thank Yuqing Melanie Wu, who served ACM-W for several years in different roles. You can read more on Melanie’s journey in computer science in Rendering History, the women of ACM-W. Here is a short synopsis of her inspiring journey into a career furnished with success. Melanie studied computer science at […]