Did you know?
By 2026, 3.5 million US computing-related jobs are expected to be available. Based on current college enrollment, only 19% of these jobs can be filled. In 1985, 37% of bachelor’s degrees in computer science were held by women. In 2017, only 19% of computer and information science bachelor degree recipients were women.
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What can we do?
- Get involved with your local ACM-W student chapter – look here for more information: ACM-W Student Chapters
- Support your local ACM-W Celebration student conference – look here for more information: ACM-W Celebrations
- NCWIT: 10 Actionable Ways to Actually Increase Diversity in Tech
- NCWIT: Male Advocates and Allies: Promoting Gender Diversity in Technology Workplaces
- NCWIT: Interrupting Bias Industry Settings