Empowered by Support: Communities, Connections and Careers for Women in Tech
When? February 15, 2023, 12:00 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Whether you are a student or an experienced engineering leader, a robust network, an opportunity for peer learning, the prospects of mentorship, and a crowd-sourced catalog of career opportunities, are vital for your personal and professional progression.
In this episode of “ACM-W Celebrating Technology Leaders,” we invite senior women technologists who have devoted decades of their lives, either as full-time careers or as passionate volunteers, to creating and nurturing empowering communities for technical women.
Join our panel with host Bushra Anjum, as we:
1. Introduce you to the various support and learning communities for women in tech that you can join based on your individual goals and career stage.
2. Inspire you to create such spaces yourself, where you can empower others and nurture a sense of belonging
Nidhi Gupta | CEO & Co-Founder, SheTO
Rose Robinson | Executive Tech Consultant
Kathleen Fisher | VP of Engineering, OwnTrail
Farah Ali | VP Technology Growth Strategy, Electronic Arts
with host Bushra Anjum | Director Data Science & Analytics, Doximity