Welcome to our new ACM-W Website Manager!
Bethany Ahluwalia has become our new ACM-W Website Manager, effective December 2024. We thank Chandra Burnham for her immense support during the search and transition processes.

Bethany is a final year MEng Computer Science student at the University of Southampton, United Kingdom. She became aware of ACM-W through her group design project which was to design and implement an application using an LLM to help generate profiles of women in computer science for use on the ACM-W website. Having done some research for the project, Bethany learned of the work ACM-W do and was keen to get involved, so jumped at the chance to volunteer for the role.
Bethany has loved her time at university and is now looking to apply for a PhD. For her final year project for her BSc, Bethany combined her love of computing and crochet to design and build a Java application to convert crochet patterns between text and chart format. The research for this project demonstrated to her the imbalance in gender representation in scientific research – textile handicrafts, which are generally considered “women’s work” are very sparsely represented in academic papers.
Whilst only recently learning of ACM-W, Bethany is looking forward to getting involved and helping out however she can.