Silvia Pagliarini

I won the ACM Scholarship thinking about attending a conference in 2020. With Covid standing in the middle, I could not use the scholarship until now.
Many things have changes.
From being a third year PhD student at Inria Bordeaux, I first became a postdoctoral researcher at UCLA, and then a machine learning ingeneer at Fairmat.
I now work on information extraction from financial documents, and ECIR seemed to me the best opportunity to finally make a good use of the opportuity I was given back in 2020. The conference has been a good place to learn about state-of-the-art information retrieval, and to meet people working on similar topic. The discussion and the exchange of ideas I had with researcher coming from both the university and the industry are precious starting points to work on with my colleagues at Fairmat. Both to approach and extend already running projects, and to begin new ones. As a plus, Dublin has been an amazing host.
I am grateful to the whole ACM association for the opportunity, and I thank Fairmat for embracing and supporting my participation to ECIR 2023.