Veronika Cheplygina
- PHD Student
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Attended Multiple Classifier Systems Conference
2013, Nanjing, China
Thank you for the opportunity that your organization provided for me to attend Multiple Classifier Systems 2013. I had interesting discussions about my work on Multiple Instance Learning and its connection with ensemble classifiers, and I received some new ideas on how to improve the work done in the paper. I am planning to extend the conference paper into a journal paper and incorporate the ideas from the conference. Conversely, I hope that the other researchers will be able to benefit from my suggestions about their work.
Another aspect that I really enjoyed was that this was the first repeat edition of a conference for me, as I attended MCS in 2011. It was great to see the core of the research community once again, as well as meet the new researchers joining the field. I think that experiencing such developments in the community and in the research topics and is a good way to learn more about working in academia in general, and can motivate students such as myself to pursue an academic career.