ACM-W Europe Report

womENcourage 2021 is to be held in Prague, Czech Republic. The slogan of the event this year is “Bridging Communities to Foster Innovation”. In an increasingly technology-driven world and a rapidly changing economic environment, the field of computing cannot reach its full innovation and creativity potential if formed of homogeneous expertise, represented unevenly only by a fraction of the population. To foster innovation, we shall stop compartmentalising scientific progress by disciplines and encourage innovation across boundaries.

Welcome from the ACM-W Chair

This month we feature ACM-W leadership team this month comes from Bushra Anjum, Standing Committees Co-Chair, with an interview about her involvement with Celebrating Technology Leaders, a webinar project of her own creation.

An Interview with Bushra Anjum, ACM-W Standing Committees Co-Chair

Web series “Celebrating Technology Leaders” brings stories and advice from engaging speakers, with diverse careers in computing, directly to our global audience.

News from the ACM-W Scholarships Committee

The pandemic has caused many small and not so small changes in everyone’s life. We know that women are being disproportionately affected by it.