Radhika Gopi

The Graphics Interface conference’2016 (GI’2016) is the first conference I attended in person in my research career. This conference focused on human computer interaction and data mining which were the core part of my research. There were various interested speakers and papers presented during the conference, especially a talk by Tamara Munzer on “Visualization analysis and design”, was a very useful topic for my research as she gave a complete overview on the various computer based visualization systems. She clearly showcased the different types of visual representations designed for different types of data sets along with clear examples. This made me feel like a quick overview of whatever I had learned in the field of information visualization until now, along with exposure to other different kinds of visual representations. The other speakers talk on: Expressive 3D Modeling: User-centered models for seamless creation through gestures, The Video Invasion, Supporting Software Learnability via Online Resources and Communities, Finding Structure in Large Collections of 3D Models, Designing for Curiosity, Computational Tools for Personalized Design and Digital Fabrication, From Typing Without Looking to Communicating With the Eyes provided insights of research happenings in the field of graphics. From the papers presented in HCI stream of the conference, I learned about the different kinds of input and interaction methods proposed for human computer interaction. The papers presented as part of artificial intelligence focusing on natural language processing discussed about the syntactic and semantics of text, sampling methods, and pattern recognition of social media data. My research domain is the field of social media (Twitter). These topics helped me to learn new ideas and methods of handling user-generated content using the natural language processing techniques. Another interesting event is the poster session, in which I presented our work “Temporal Classification and Visualization of Topics in a Twitter Search Interface” (this is developed as part of the TwIST app). Looking at the poster many people were asking about the availability of the app and also some asked how it works in real-time, and provided suggestions in terms of visual representation.Overall, this conference helped me to get feedback about my work, establish new connections with peers in the research field, and learn ideas from the work presented by others.