Lavínia Francesca Paganini

My journey for ICSE 2022 started in 2020. I received the ACM-W award to go for ICSE 2020 in Seoul since I had a paper in CHASE (at the time, a workshop; now, it’s a co-located event). However, all the events went virtual – with the uncertainty if they could go back for the in-person anytime. 2 years passed, and now I went to Pittsburgh. Since then, a lot has changed: now I’m a Master’s student, planning to apply for a Ph.D. I had the opportunity to be a student volunteer for ICSE 2021 and meet other researchers and students. I joined some co-located conferences, like MSR and ICPC as well. The in-person experience was utterly different from the online one. Although some presentations already happened online, the discussions had an extra intensity. See the authors ready to answer the questions, an open mic, and the interaction reassured my research interest, especially in the human aspects of software engineering. I hope to attend the event again.