Alara Dirik
- MS Student
Bogazici University
Attended European Conference on Computer Vision
2022, Tel Aviv, Israel
ECCV 2022 was my first on-site international conference and I had a great experience presenting my work “FairStyle: Debiasing StyleGAN2 with Style Channel Manipulations” in a poster session at the main conference. Apart from having the opportunity to present in-person for the first time, I also had to chance to meet with and get feedback on my work from world-renowned researchers and to attend a wide range of presentations by machine learning experts in industry and academia. I formed valuable new connections and seeing other people’s work both inspired me and gave me new ideas for future work.
Overall, the ACM-W scholarship enabled me to present my work in person and meet with researchers from all over the world working on exciting projects. Attending the conference left me with new inspiration and excitement toward my work, and I am grateful to ACM-W for the opportunity.