Start an ACM-W student chapter
Get ready…
Get ready to be a part of a global community.
Learn about all the benefits and opportunities associated with being an ACM-W Chapter.
Get set…
Put together everything you’ll need to complete the application. Here’s your list of ingredients.
- 2 students to be the chapter’s Chair and the Vice Chair
- Must be ACM student members ($19/year)
- 1 Faculty Sponsor
- Must be an ACM professional member ($99/year)
- 10+ other students’ names and emails to be members
- 1 name for your chapter
- 1 email address for your chapter
- 1 mailing address (typically the address of your school and department)
You’re ready to start your chapter! Complete the application here.
- Page 1. Your chapter name and preferred email
- The chapter type is Student
- The chapter sub-type is ACM-W
- Page 2. Your 3 organizers:
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Faculty Sponsor
- Page 3. Your mailing address
- Page 4. Names and email addresses of the other members
And keep going!
For more information and ideas, please visit How to Create and Sustain a Women in Computing Group on Your Campus. This resource was jointly developed with the National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT).
Interact with other ACM-W Chapters on Facebook.
See how one chapter has been keeping active and growing for more than 16 years! [video]