Adriana Wilde
- Attended ICST 2013
2013, Wellington, New Zealand
Thanks to the support of both ACM-W and my own university, I was able to attend the 7th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2013), held in Wellington, New Zealand, from the 3-5 December. The following are specific achievements of my participation:
The successful presentation of my research paper, “Developing a low-cost general-purpose device for the Internet of Things”, in the session Novel Applications 2 (see
I was requested to chair a session, and was commended on my time-keeping and the way I fostered discussion. The best paper of the conference was presented in this session.
I engaged in discussions with many other researchers in related fields, e.g. Chika Sugimoto, Kevin Wang, Aaron Solomon, Veronica Sberveglieri, James Brussey, Elena Gaura and Basabi Chakraborti. Some of these discussions were regarding women participation in their own institutions, which I found very interesting.
Finally, I was approached by the organisers, Subhas Mukhopadhyay and Alex Mason, to join the organisation committee for the next edition of the conference. I joined the relevant post-conference discussions and became the Special Sessions Chair. Here the call for proposals: