Celebrating the Evolution of ACM-W Scholarships: Empowering Women in Computing

Project team: Collaborators:  ACM-W scholarships have been instrumental in providing crucial support for women in computer science and related fields, enabling them to attend pivotal computing research conferences. These scholarships have not only paved the way for educational growth but also fostered diverse and impactful careers. Join us as we explore in this article the […]

Above and Beyond Scholarship – Hsiu-Chin Lin

Year of Scholarship and Conference Attendance: 2008 Country of Origin: Taiwan Country of residence at the time of receiving the ACM-W Scholarship: USA Hsiu-Chin Lin is an Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Science and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at McGill University. Her research spans model-based control, optimization, and machine learning for manipulators […]

Above and Beyond Scholarship – Adriana Wilde, PhD

Year of Scholarship and Conference Attendance: ICST 2013 7th International Conference on Sensing Technology​​ Country of Origin: Venezuela Country of residence at the time of receiving the ACM-W Scholarship: United Kingdom Dr Adriana Wilde charted a very unconventional career path over the years. Her background is multidisciplinary but with a strong dual interest in education and technology. Following […]

Above and Beyond Scholarship – Dilrukshi Gamage, PhD

Year of Scholarship and Conference Attendance: ​​ICCE (International Conference on Computers in Education) 2014 Nara, Japan Country of Origin: Sri Lanka Country of residence at the time of receiving the ACM-W Scholarship: Sri Lanka Dr Dilrukshi Gamage is a postdoctoral fellow at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT) working on a multidisciplinary infodemic project funded by the Japan Science […]

Above and Beyond Scholarship – Lauren Cairco Dukes, PhD

Year of Scholarship and Conference Attendance: ACM symposium on virtual reality software and technology, 2007 Country of residence at the time of receiving the ACM-W Scholarship: USA Lauren Cairco Dukes was a software engineer at Area 120, Google’s in-house incubator until the entire Area 120 organization was cut as a part of Google’s layoffs in […]

Above and Beyond Scholarship – Nova Ahmed, PhD

Year of Scholarship and Conference Attendance: ACM/IFP/Usenix Middleware 2008 Country of residence at the time of receiving the ACM-W Scholarship: USA Dr Nova Ahmed is a computer scientist living in Bangladesh. She has finished her PhD at Georgia Institute of Technology, USA and came back to Bangladesh to make changes. She used her experiences working […]

Above and Beyond Scholarship – Julita Inca Chiroque

Year of Scholarship and Conference Attendance: Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 2012 Country of residence at the time of receiving the ACM-W Scholarship: Peru Julita Inca Chiroque is a High-Performance Computing Scientist. She has worked as a High-Performance Computing Software Specialist in the nuclear fusion field at UKAEA after graduating with a Master’s […]

ACM-W Scholarships Update

Attending conferences in person allows young and upcoming researchers to make meaningful human connections leading to strong collaborations, sometimes life-long ones, and to aspire to be more than they might otherwise do.

ACM-W Scholarships Looking Forward

by Viviana Bono (chair of the ACM-W scholarship programme) The pandemic is not over and we are all subject to its consequences. Travelling is still a dream these days. Who could foresee that the world would look so big again, after decades of having almost all corners of Earth within reach in a few hours. […]

News from the ACM-W Scholarships Committee

The pandemic has caused many small and not so small changes in everyone’s life. We know that women are being disproportionately affected by it.

Updates on ACM-W Scholarship for Attendance of Research Conferences

Yelena Mejova is a Senior Research Scientist at the ISI Foundation in Turin, Italy, a part of the Digital Epidemiology Group. Her research concerns the use of social media in health informatics, as well as tracking political speech and other cultural phenomena.

ACM-W Scholarship for Attendance of Research Conferences

The ACM-W Scholarship for Attendance of Research Conferences program provides support for women students in Computer Science and related programs who wish to attend research conferences.